Giffords & Kelly

As individuals, Congresswoman Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords and her husband, astronaut and former U.S. Naval combat aviator Mark Kelly, showed Americans how optimism, an adventurous spirit, and a call to service can help change the world. As a couple, they became a national example of the healing power to be found…

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Fabien Cousteau

From his vast experience in the field, coupled with a degree in environmental economics from Boston University, Fabien Cousteau has refined a public policy platform grounded by his strong belief that environmental discipline can be the basis for innovative solutions that strike a balance between regional and global environmental problems…

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Jane Pauley

In 2014, every baby boomer will have reached the milestone age of fifty. For most, it’s not an end but the beginning of something new. Jane Pauley, one of America’s most beloved and trusted broadcast journalists for over 30 years, has been called “America’s baby boomer”. In her presentation, she…

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F.W. de Klerk

In 1990 South Africa’s President Frederik Willem de Klerk decided to release Nelson Mandela, leader of the liberation movement, who had been in prison since 1963. Following the release, the two politicians worked together to bring an end to the policy of racial segregation and the formerly banned African National…

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Malcolm Gladwell

Master storyteller, Gladwell has an incomparable gift for making big ideas understandable and accessible. He is one of the world’s most celebrated thinkers and author. Malcolm Gladwell is the author of five New York Times bestsellers — The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw, and now, his latest,…

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Magic Johnson

Earvin “Magic” Johnson has gone from basketball royalty to business mogul. He’s won five national championships with the Los Angeles Lakers, 3 MVP awards, 12 NBA All-Star games and an Olympic gold medal at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. Johnson has successfully parlayed his skills and tenacity on the court…

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David Brooks

New York Times Columnist, Author, Political & Social Analyst David Brooks occupies one of American journalism’s most influential perches. He has a gift for bringing audiences face to face with the spirit of our times with humor, insight and quiet passion. He is a keen observer of the American way…

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